Thigh Lift.

Thigh lift surgery, medically known as thighplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to reshape and contour the thighs by removing excess skin, fat, and tissue. This surgery is typically sought by individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight, have experienced natural aging, or have excess skin and fat deposits in the thigh area that do not respond well to diet and exercise. Thigh Lifts are often combined with liposuction to eliminate any unwanted fat in the thigh region.

The overall effect is to deliver a more sculpted, aesthetically pleasing thigh, firmer to the touch and with tightened, smooth overlying skin.

Please contact Moda Donna if you're considering Thigh lift or any Cosmetic surgery. We work in close partnership with leading European Cosmetic Surgery Specialists and Plastic Surgeons. Our Cosmetic Surgeons are industry leaders in body reshaping, anti-ageing and aesthetic surgical procedures in Europe.

Thigh Lift info.
Thigh Lift
Price: From € 3300
Anaesthetic: General
Duration of surgery: 2-3 hours
Surgery Location: Lithuania
Hospital Stay: Day stay
HSE EU Cross-border directive scheme: Please contact us for more details
Aftercare: Dublin, Ireland
Surgeon Medical License : Irish Medical Council license , EU licenses
Surgeon Consultation Location: Dublin, Ireland

Moda Donna - Ireland's Leading Thigh lift cosmetic surgery clinic with great expertise in a wide range of surgical treatments. Please contact Moda Donna if you're considering Thigh lift or any Cosmetic surgery.

All of our Thigh lift treatments and procedures take place at our partner Cosmetic surgery centres in Lithuania. Our surgeons and consultants will consult you during our informational events. Please contact Moda Donna and start your life-changing patient journey today!

01 / How to prepare for a body contouring?

Before the operation, the plastic surgeon and the patient discuss the problem areas of the body, medications, existing diseases, and allergies, the patient is also instructed on the scope and risks of the operation. In some cases, losing weight before the surgery might be recommended.

02 / Postoperative care?

After the operation, the incision area should be bandaged every 2 to 3 days using dry bandages. The surgery is done with soluble threads, so there is no need to remove them. A scar will remain, though little visible. We advise avoiding sunlight for at least a year to make the scar less noticeable.

Our Doctors.
Donatas Samsanavicius

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Kęstutis Maslauskas

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Inga Guogiene

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

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