Blepharoplasty - Eyelid Surgery.

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to enhance the appearance of the eyelids by removing excess skin, fat, and muscle from the upper and/or lower eyelids. It is commonly referred to as eyelid surgery and is often sought by individuals who want to address issues such as sagging or drooping eyelids, puffy bags under the eyes, or a tired and aged appearance in the eye area. Blepharoplasty can provide both cosmetic and functional benefits.

Please contact Moda Donna if you're considering Blepharoplasty - Eyelid Surgery and any cosmetic surgery. We work in close partnership with leading European Cosmetic Surgery Specialists and Plastic Surgeons. Our Cosmetic Surgeons are industry leaders in body reshaping, anti-ageing and aesthetic surgical procedures in Europe.

Blepharoplasty - Eyelid Surgery info.
Blepharoplasty - Eyelid Surgery
Price: From €1200
Anaesthetic: General / Local
Duration of surgery: 1-1,5 hours
Surgery Location: Lithuania
Aftercare: Dublin, Ireland
Surgeon Medical License : Irish Medical Council license , EU licenses
Surgeon Consultation Location: Dublin, Ireland

Moda Donna - Ireland's Leading blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery and cosmetic surgery clinic with great expertise in a wide range of surgical treatments. Please contact Moda Donna if you're considering blepharoplasty / eyelid surgery or any Cosmetic surgery.

All of our blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery treatments and procedures take place at our partner Cosmetic surgery centres in Lithuania. Our surgeons and consultants will consult you during our informational events. Please contact Moda Donna and start your life-changing patient journey today!

01 / To whom an eyelid lift is indicated?

Ageing processes - Related discomfort

02 / How to prepare yourself for the surgery?

Discuss the desired results with the surgeon and share your expectations. Tell your doctor if you are taking any medicines or have allergies, vision disorders or suffer from certain diseases.

03 / How the eyelid lift surgery is done?

An upper eye-lid lift surgery can be done alone or with other facial procedures, such as a lower eye-lid lift, brow lift or whole facial lift. The local or general anaesthesia is applied during the upper eyelid surgery.

04 / Post-surgical period and healing

Special care Right after the surgery special cold applications are applied on the eyes to reduce haemorrhages and swelling. Cooling should be continued additionally for one day more. If you use contact lenses, don't put them in for about few weeks after surgery If you experience pain, it is recommended to take pain killers prescribed by your doctor Healing and scaring Healing of surgical wounds will take 2-3 weeks. Haemorrhages usually disappear in few weeks; however, swelling can persist for a little bit longer. Because of swelling it can be difficult to close the eyelids and eye pain can develop. Such discomfort can be controlled by the artificial tears. The scars after upper eyelid blepharoplasty are hardly visible as they disappear among the facial wrinkles. Active physical activities Physical activity should be avoided for one months after the surgery, do not exercise sports and do not attend saunas. Wear protecting sunglasses to avoid the exposure to sunshine.

05 / How long should you stay in the hospital after the surgery?

If the surgery was done applying a local anaesthesia, patients usually are discharged on the next day after the surgery If the general anaesthesia was applied or several facial corrections were made, the decision regarding patient’s discharge is taken individually.

06 / How long does it take to recover after the brow lift surgery?

The recovery after the upper eye-lid blepharoplasty takes about 2-3 weeks, however, more expressive sight is visible right after the surgery.

07 / What is the cost of the upper eyelid blepharoplasty?

The upper eyelid blepharoplasty in our clinic costs from 1100 EUR

08 / Is the surgery painful?

No, you will not experience any pain during the surgery. During the first days after the surgery, you can experience pain of different severity. If you experience severe discomfort it is recommended to take pain killers prescribed by your doctor.

09 / Is it allowed to resume physical activities after the surgery?

Active physical activities and sports should be avoided for at least one month after the surgery.

Our Doctors.
Vygintas Kaikaris

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Donatas Samsanavicius

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Kęstutis Maslauskas

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Inga Guogiene

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Justinas Grašys

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Gintaras Papečkys

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

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