Foot surgery.

Foot surgery is a medical procedure performed to address various conditions, injuries, or deformities affecting the feet. Foot surgery can be elective or necessary for the treatment of chronic conditions, acute injuries, or to improve the overall function and appearance of the feet.

Moda Donna - Ireland's Leading Foot surgery and Orthopaedic surgery clinic with great expertise in a wide range of surgical treatments. Please contact Moda Donna if you're considering Foot surgery and any Orthopaedic surgery.

All of our Orthopaedic treatments and procedures take place at our partner Orthopaedic centres in Lithuania. Our surgeons and consultants will consult you during our informational events.

Moda Donna can assist you with your GP referral for treatment abroad, under the EU Cross-Border Directive Scheme. Please contact Moda Donna and start your life-changing patient journey today!

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