Facelift Surgery - Rhytidectomy.

Facelift surgery or rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at rejuvenating the appearance of the face and neck. This procedure is often sought by individuals who want to address the signs of aging, such as sagging skin, wrinkles, and loss of facial volume.

Please contact Moda Donna if you're considering facelift surgery and any cosmetic surgery. We work in close partnership with leading European Cosmetic Surgery Specialists and Plastic Surgeons. Our Cosmetic Surgeons are industry leaders in body reshaping, anti-ageing and aesthetic surgical procedures in Europe.

Facelift Surgery - Rhytidectomy info.
Facelift Surgery - Rhytidectomy
Price: From € 5800
Anaesthetic: General
Hospital Stay: 1-2 Nights
Post-Operative: Final results - 6-9 month
Surgery Location: Lithuania
Duration of surgery: Up to 6 hours
Aftercare: Dublin, Ireland
Surgeon Medical License : Irish Medical Council license , EU licenses
Surgeon Consultation Location: Dublin, Ireland

Moda Donna - Ireland's Leading facial surgery and cosmetic surgery clinic with great expertise in a wide range of surgical treatments. Please contact Moda Donna if you're considering facial fat transfer surgery or any Cosmetic surgery.

All of our facelift surgery or other facial surgery treatments and procedures take place at our partner Cosmetic surgery centres in Lithuania. Our surgeons and consultants will consult you during our informational events. Please contact Moda Donna and start your life-changing patient journey today!

01 / How much does a facelift cost?

The cost varies depending on the patient’s case and desired outcome. Clients can pay for plastic surgeries in installments and without increment in our clinic.

02 / How long does a facelift take?

The facelift is one of the most complex surgeries and can take up to 6 hours.

03 / Are there any scars left after surgery?

The incisions are made at the hairline and around the ears, making them easy to hide. Over time, they fade and become almost invisible.

04 / How long will the result last?

After a facelift, you will be able to enjoy a younger-looking face for around ten years. Although the results are long-lasting, this operation does not stop the skin's aging process.

05 / How long will I stay in the hospital after surgery?

1 to 2 days in the hospital are usually enough after such an operation.

06 / Is facelift painful?

No, it is not painful because it is performed under general anesthesia. Patients may feel the pain of varying severity in the first days after surgery. If you experience extreme discomfort, we recommend taking painkillers prescribed by your doctor.

Our Doctors.
Vygintas Kaikaris

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Donatas Samsanavicius

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Kęstutis Maslauskas

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Inga Guogiene

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Justinas Grašys

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Gintaras Papečkys

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

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