Mummy Makeover - tummy tuck and liposuction .

Mummy Makeover its a combination of cosmetic procedures aimed at restoring a woman's body to its pre-pregnancy appearance or improving various areas that may have been affected by pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. The goal of a Mummy Makeover is to enhance a woman's confidence and self-esteem by addressing the physical changes that often occur as a result of motherhood.

Please contact Moda Donna if you're considering Mummy Makeover or any other cosmetic surgery.

We work in close partnership with leading European Cosmetic Surgery Specialists and Plastic Surgeons. Our Cosmetic Surgeons are industry leaders in body reshaping, anti-ageing and aesthetic surgical procedures in Europe.

Mummy Makeover - tummy tuck and liposuction info.
Mummy Makeover - tummy tuck and liposuction
Price: From € 4200
Anaesthetic: General
Hospital Stay: 2 Nights
Duration of surgery: 4-6 hours
Surgery Location: Lithuania
Aftercare: Our Dublin Clinic
Surgeon Medical License : Irish Medical Council license
Surgeon Consultation Location: Dublin Clinic

Moda Donna is award winning Mummy Makeover surgery clinic in Dublin, Ireland. Our clinic was established in 2008 and have been offering our patients the most advanced and effective treatments and procedures for over 15 years. Moda Donna - Ireland's leading Mummy Makeover clinic with great expertise in a wide range of cosmetic surgical treatments.

We offer our cosmetic surgery procedures in our partner clinics in Lithuania. Cosmetic surgeon consultations and aftercare services are provided in our clinic in Dublin.

All of our consulting surgeons hold Irish Medical Council license and registered to practise in Ireland.

01 / Who can have a Mummy Makeover?

Mummy Makeover surgery is usually performed on women who had more than one pregnancy or have given birth to more than one baby. Mummy Makeover can also be done after the first pregnancy if the patient does not plan to have any more babies in the future. This type of surgery can also help women who have lost a lot of weight.

02 / How to prepare for Mummy Makeover surgery?

Good physical health condition usually leads to better surgery results. We recommend giving up smoking for at least three weeks before and after the operation, as it can cause blood clotting problems.

03 / Mummy Makeover postoperative care?

The pain in the incision areas may be felt in the early postoperative period, but medication will be prescribed to relieve it. There might be some swelling, bruising, and decreased sensation for a few weeks after surgery. Compression clothing should be worn for 6 to 8 weeks.

04 / Scarring after Mummy makeover surgery?

Scarring is one of the most concerning factors for women planning any surgery. Over time, the scars become less noticeable, but they do not disappear completely.

05 / Mummy Makeover surgery location?

Mummy Makeover surgery will be performed in Lithuania - aftercare services provided in Dublin, Ireland

06 / Would I be able to get Mummy Makeover surgery aftercare services in Ireland?

Yes, Mummy Makeover surgery aftercare will be provided in our clinic in Dublin

07 / Duration of Mummy Makeover surgery?

The duration of Mummy Makeover surgery depends on the individual case - usually 4-6 hours.

08 / How long do I have to spend in the hospital after Mummy Makeover surgery?

2 days


Cost of Mummy Makeover Surgery would be around € 7100

Our Doctors.
Donatas Samsanavicius

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Kęstutis Maslauskas

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Inga Guogiene

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Gintaras Papečkys

MD, PhD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

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